SMART goal indicators
- S - Simple - keep your goals directly related to the task at hand. Use your backwards plans.
- M - Measurable - your goal should show growth with demonstrable evidence.
- A - Achievable - your goal should be something that you can accomplish with effort.
- R - Realistic - no amount of effort or hard work can overcome an unrealistic goal.
- T - Time Table - your goal should have a deadline.
SMART Goal template
By next blank blankI will blank blank blankand I will know I achieved blank blank blankbecause blank blank.
Does your 4th weekly goal include all the information that the SMART template provides? Everyone can practice using the template by restating your 4th weekly goal using the template and add it as a comment to your original post.
Does your 4th weekly goal include all the information that the SMART template provides? Everyone can practice using the template by restating your 4th weekly goal using the template and add it as a comment to your original post.