Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Goal 2 Reflection/New SMART goal 3

In response to your second goal that you posted on your blog, add a comment that answers the question "Did you meet your goal?  If so, support your answer by describing or showing the evidence you produced.  If not, what obstacles prevented you from meeting your goal?"

After you have commented on Goal #2, you now have to set a SMART goal for next week.  Check your backwards plans and give yourself another goal to complete for your project.  PLEASE use the SMART goal template outlined below on the class blog.  Make it a reasonable (small) goal that you can accomplish during the week outside of class because we will be working on customizing our blogs and developing personal banners in Photoshop.  
BE SURE TO POST GOAL #3 on your blog (even if you are not here today) 


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Materials List Post

By next Tuesday you should have your blog completely caught up to today's assignment, which is to post a list of materials that you will need to complete your project.  Your materials list can include both physical things; paper, paint, video cameras and academic things; learning how to use Flash, how to use Photoshop, or edit a video

Think about what you want/need to know, learn, how-to-do and the what you need to make it happen. Type up a list of everything you could possibly want to use and know, don't worry about whether or not we can actually get it yet. Think big first. Post your list on your blog using the bulleted list feature in the menu bar to left of the quotes icon.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Smart Goal Data/Smart Goal Post #2

This is the data from last week's 1st SMART Goal Setting based on what is on your class blogs.  The blue area represents the total number of students who posted a goal.  The red area represents the number of students that met their goal.  The Orange area indicates students who did not set a goal due to absence, not sending me a blog address, or not setting a goal.  What does the data suggest?

For the 3 of you that met your goal;  you should go back to your own blog and leave a comment reflecting on how you met your goal.  You should briefly explain the content of your links with a short summary of how each link might help you.  When you three are finished, you need to think about a next step for your project that you want to accomplish.  Look at your backwards plan and POST a new SMART goal for next week.  

For the 11 of you that posted your SMART goal, but did not meet it, you now have to go your own blog and leave a comment explaining why you failed to meet your SMART goal for the week.  Then you need to POST (2) SMARTS goal on your blog, last week's a new one of your own design.  What is the next step for your project based on your backwards plan?  
Hopefully, you will use your time today to finish last week's goal before starting work on your next one.  

For the 7 of you that did not post a goal; you need to log in to your blog and publish a new Post explaining why you did not post the 1st SMART goal and title it Missing SMART goal #1.  Then you need to read last week's assignments and add 5 links/resources to your blog.  

The format for posting SMART Goals and the steps for adding a link list to your blog are written out on the class blog.  

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Link/Resource List

Today you will start researching your project idea and begin creating a list of links on your blog.  The links will be to resources that you discover on the web to help you develop your project.  For example, if Michael is researching "Hip-Hop, Graffiti, history, Bronx" using Google, one of the first results is a blog called Hip-Hop Intellectuals (http://hiphopintellectual.blogspot.com/2008/04/born-in-bronxbaby.html), a useful blog about issues in hip-hop.  Michael might be able to discover interesting articles and links about hip-hop there.  This is an example of a resource that Michael would obviously need to spend some time reading to find useful information.  

When you find a link that is relevant to your topic you will add it to a Links list you will create today in class.  If you are not in class today follow the instructions below:
  • For each link you find copy the URL in the address window in your browser.  
  • Then you need to open a new window and log into Blogger.  
  • Select your blog and click on the the tab that says Layout beneath the title of your blog in the upper left hand corrner.
  • In the Layout window click on the field in the left side of the layout that says Add a Gadget.
  • In the gadget menu click on the plus sign next to Link List.
  • Title the List List "Links/Resources"
  • You can sort the links by alphabetically if you select that option.
  • Paste the the URL you have copied into the New Site URL area.  
  • Add a New Site name below the URL, for example Michael's first title would be "Hip-Hop Intellectuals"
  • Click the ADD LINK button to put it on the list.
  • When you are finished click SAVE.
  • Your first URL in your link/resource list should be http://bpdigitalportfolio.blogspot.com and the the name should be Digital Portfolio
To meet Tuesday's first goal you should add a minimum of four more relevant resources to help you create your project to your links/resources list today.  If you don't finish you have until next Tuesday to meet your first SMART goal.  

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

1st SMART goal

By next Tuesday I will post five resources on my blog and I will know I achieved the research because there will be five new links on my blog. 

SMART Goal Setting

In order to help you complete your project we will begin to set and meet goals each week.  The goal setting process will occur every Tuesday for warm-up.  To help you learn to set and meet your individual goals, we are going to look at protocol for goal setting that professionals use. The idea is to set smart goals that you can accomplish. So why do we call them SMART goals? Take a minute right now and think about each letter in the word SMART: S-M-A-R-T. What word might each letter stand for that would help you set and meet goals? Try and figure out at least one and leave your inference as a comment.

SMART goal indicators
  • S - Simple - keep your goals directly related to the task at hand. Use your backwards plans.
  • M - Measurable - your goal should show growth with demonstrable evidence.
  • A - Achievable - your goal should be something that you can accomplish with effort.
  • R - Realistic - no amount of effort or hard work can overcome an unrealistic goal.
  • T - Time Table - your goal should have a deadline.
Today we will set our first SMART goal together to help start our research into our project idea and develop a list of resources for our blog.

SMART Goal template

By next blank blankI will blank blank blankand I will know I achieved blank blank blankbecause blank blank.

Using the SMART goal template post your first SMART goal, which you will work on tomorrow in class to meet.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Backwards Planning

Creating an independent project for yourself is a big task and often the hardest part is getting started. It's easy to get overwhelmed by the whole idea of a project. In order to help ourselves get started we are going to do some backwards planning. What is backwards planning?

imagine it's early June and you have just shown your amazing project to your portfolio group. In your mind, try and imagine where you are in the school. Try and imagine what you have just shown, read, or presented to your audience. Try and imagine exactly how you presented your project. Close your eyes and visualize exactly what you are presenting to your audience

Now, you should have an idea of what your final project will look like. The question is 'how did you get all the way there from here?' Instead of starting with the first step, let's start with your end goal. For example, several students are interested in creating video documentaries.

Their final step might be:
"Show video on projector to portfolio group."

What steps would a student have to go through to create a film? Without worrying about the order of the steps, what are some steps this student might have to go through to reach their final goal? Take a minute and think about what you know about film or video and documentaries and add a comment with ONE step you think the student would have to take to create a video that would be shown at Town Hall on the big screen. Think about how videos and films are made. What would a student have to know and/or do to make a video?

After looking at some of the steps we think a student might have to take to create a video, start creating your own backwards plan. Today I would like you to
  • Briefly introduce your project idea (one sentence)
  • write down that final step of your project, whether it's debuting a video or an exhibition of art work, exactly how you want to present your project.
  • Then brainstorm a list of steps in any order that you believe you will have to go through to complete your project.
  • Start at the end and try to work backwards, but if a step pops into your head write down. Post your final step and all your ideas on your blog under the title "Backwards Plan Brainstorm".
When you are finished with your backwards plan, please send me an email with your blog address if you have not done so yet.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Hi my name is Mr. Powhida....