Thursday, December 18, 2008

Project Interviews

We need to determine which interview from each group is going to be re-posted here, on the class blog. In your groups, you need to read each group member's interview, leaving a brief comment on each one offering warm or cool feedback about the quality of the answers. Consider the following questions when you read the interviews.

Has the student really answered the question asked of them? Does the answer go deep into the student's experience or does it remain on the surface? Does the answer convey their individuality and personality in some way?

After reading each interview, make sure you leave a one-two sentence comment on each interview. When you are finished reading all the interviews your group must select the most illuminating and interesting interview. After you have reached a decision, leave a comment on the selected interview that states "We select this interview to represent our group." Oh, the student whose interview is selected will received extra credit for the progress report and third marking period grade. Good luck!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thursday and Friday Agendas


Today you will use your class time to meet the SMART goal you set for yourself yesterday. When you have finished working on your goal take a moment at 10:40 to leave a comment on yesterday's post on YOUR blog about what evidence you produced today to meet your goal. I will be checking your blogs and updating the new marking period in Edline, so this comment will count. Please use your time wisely and make some progress.


Today you will begin an email interview with your new group feedback partner (check the group posters near your table if you forgot!) . The purpose of the interview is to help your partner become aware of their thinking about the project. How does someone become aware of their own thinking? It takes conscious reflection on one's actions, beliefs, knowledge, and ideas. We do this all the time when we make decisions that affect ourselves and others. We also tend to think more about what we say when we talk publicly or in front of others. Your interviews will be published on your blogs and selected ones will be published on the class blog.

We will conduct the interviews by sharing our questions through emails between the interviewer and the interviewee. Today, you will develop specific questions for your interviewee based on the following protocol for two rounds of questions. Your questions should cover the following areas:
Round 1
  • Clarify the project goals and purposes. Why are they doing the project? What is important about it? How do they expect it to turn out in the end?
  • Planning. What actions have they taken so far? What actions do they still need to take? What will be the evidence they produce? How will they collect data? What obstacles or roadblocks do they expect to encounter?
  • Taking Action and experimenting. What are the different ways they have been working? What programs, skills, and research have they been doing? What has been new for them?
  • Assessing and Gathering evidence. What evidence have they produced so far? What have they made? What date have they collected?

    Round 2
  • Studying, reflecting, and evaluating. Have they met their goals? What have they learned so far doing the project? Have they learned new information? Have they learned something about themselves?
  • Modification. Have they had to make any changes to their project or plan? Has their thinking about the subject changed? Would they do anything differently now?
  • Revisiting goals and purposes. Does the project still make sense?
Write out a specific question based on each • bullet point about the project. Email me your 7 questions to review before we move onto the next step of the project. For example a clarification question might look like: Joseph, why is it important for you to research herpes and STD? What do you want to tell people?

Again I will be checking my email and updating Edline. Your questions must be emailed to me at the end of the period (your emails have the date and time)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

New Weekly Goals Post #7

Today you need to reflect on last week's goal by adding a comment. After you've reflected on your progress, you will need to post a special SMART goal for next Tuesday. I will be out of school Thursday and Friday for a project I have been working on. On Thursday, you will have the entire class period to work on your project. To that end, I would like you to set two (2) SMART goals for this week.

  • The 1st goal can be your weekly goal to accomplish by next Tuesday.
  • The 2nd goal must be a goal you will accomplish on Thursday.
Using the SMART goal template your second goal will start like this "By the end of 2nd period on Thursday I will........and I will know I have achieved......because........

Next week, when I get back I will be looking for concrete evidence that you met your goal for Thursday. It will count as a 'quiz', so set a goal that you know you can meet and produce some evidence for. For example, Angelica might set a goal to produce THREE new slides for her presentation on Japanese fashion. I will want to see the new slides next week.

On Friday, you will be starting the 1st part of an interview that you will conduct via Google Documents with your new group partner.