Thursday, December 18, 2008

Project Interviews

We need to determine which interview from each group is going to be re-posted here, on the class blog. In your groups, you need to read each group member's interview, leaving a brief comment on each one offering warm or cool feedback about the quality of the answers. Consider the following questions when you read the interviews.

Has the student really answered the question asked of them? Does the answer go deep into the student's experience or does it remain on the surface? Does the answer convey their individuality and personality in some way?

After reading each interview, make sure you leave a one-two sentence comment on each interview. When you are finished reading all the interviews your group must select the most illuminating and interesting interview. After you have reached a decision, leave a comment on the selected interview that states "We select this interview to represent our group." Oh, the student whose interview is selected will received extra credit for the progress report and third marking period grade. Good luck!

1 comment:

olin said...

I wasn't here for the interview so im kind of clueless as to what i should be doing right now...