Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Backwards Planning

Creating an independent project for yourself is a big task and often the hardest part is getting started. It's easy to get overwhelmed by the whole idea of a project. In order to help ourselves get started we are going to do some backwards planning. What is backwards planning?

imagine it's early June and you have just shown your amazing project to our class. In your mind, try and imagine where you are in the school. Try and imagine what you have just shown, read, or presented to your audience. Try and imagine exactly how you presented your project. Close your eyes and visualize exactly what your project looks and what the audience will see.

Now, you should have an idea of what your final project will look like. The question is 'how did you get all the way there from here?' Instead of starting with the first step, let's start with your end goal. For example, several students are interested in creating video documentaries.

Their final step might be:
"Show video at town hall in spring on digital projector"

What steps would a student have to go through to create a film. Without worrying about the order of the steps, what are some steps this student might have to go through to reach their final goal. Take a minute and think about what you know about film or video and documentaries and post ONE step you think the student would have to take to create a video that would be shown at Town Hall on the big screen.

After looking at some of the steps we think a student might have to take to create a video, start creating your own backwards plan. Today I would like you to write down that final step of your project, whether it's debuting a video or an exhibition of art work, exactly how you want to present your project. Then brainstorm a list of steps in any order that you believe you will have to go through to complete your project. Start at the end and try to work backwards, but if a step pops into your head write down. Post your final step and all your ideas on your blog under the title "Backwards Plan Brainstorm".


Unknown said...

I find backwards planing very intersting. My final result would be a powerpoint persentation.

Anonymous said...

First to have a film made there would have to be a part were the person records all thr data they will be using.

Angelica blog said...

i think a step is find the camera to shoot the film you can have the facts and data but you will need the camera to shoot it.

Leesa said...

One step for a person would be to write down all the materials that they think they might need to use for the project.

Malynthia said...

i believe that you would have to dothe touch ups at the end of the show. You would have to make the mistakes as the bloppers/the funny part of the show.

Unknown said...

Bill by me an Iphone!

Unknown said...

Bill by me an Iphone!

Anonymous said...

You start thinking about what kind of film you want to make. You can make an interview, documentary, or reality show type of film.

SHAK said...

the bacwarsd thing looks difficult but i think that the final step of my project whether it's a video or and exhibition of art work should be combining the pieces together

Just incase you ain't know Lia..... said...

Before creating my video I had to plan in order what I wanted to do. I wrote on paper what type of pictures I wanted to include and what types of songs that would relate to my project.


I think after u plan everything that you figure out your going to do then you should begin to do what your going to do first. For example if you wanted to show pictures of life in your world you would gather pictures and put a slideshow of yourself.


adam law said...

first they would have to set out a plan

Devin Coe said...

One step I would take to go about making a film is doing a bit of research on exactly what my film is going to portray.

Asia said...

Hello Billy, for filming the project using backward planning u would need is to gather up your information and then start up to finalize the whole thing.

Asia said...

Hello Billy, for filming the project using backward planning u would need is to gather up your information and then start up to finalize the whole thing.

Asia said...
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Anonymous said...

Thinking about what film you want to make and how would it starts and how would it end
Also in powerpoint what subject you want and what kind of picture you need.
How would it go from beginning to end.

quaia said...

before creating my video i would have to write down all the things i need to make my project better than everyone else. I need to have different types on movie's and music to help me relate to my project.
i would draw out a plan and get my materials.

Anonymous said...

I think that the first thing that you could do is to gather up all that information and get some research on it and connect it together to get your film together.

T@NONY@ said...

My last part of my presentation would be to show it on an film or maybe make an book and make copies and give it to my classmates so they could see