Monday, February 25, 2008

Blogs and Backwards Plans


Many of you have either NOT signed up for a blog at or emailed me your blog URL (ex: Also you all need to post your backwards plan drafts. Having a blog is a central part of the class and your grade.

For those of you who posted your backwards plan, today you are going to try and put the steps in descending order from the last step to your first step. When you post your backwards plan, use the Numbered List feature in the posting tool bar. Now that you have had a break, take a fresh look at your plan and start to fill in all the gaps. Your backwards plan should start to have concrete steps you could take to begin your project.
  1. Presenting my film to the senior class at a town hall meeting or special presentation in the spring.
  2. Adding a sound track to my video in iMovie
  3. Bringing in CDs or MP3 files to use in my video
  4. Editing my film in iMovie by deciding what footage I want to include or cut. I have to put all of the shots into a sequence.
  5. Shooting the footage for my video
  6. Borrow a video camera to use to shoot my video
  7. Create a production plan for my video where I outline all the different shots I'd like to take.
  8. Storyboard the idea for my video on paper with sketches and notes
  9. Write a brief treatment for my video, basically a summary of what will be in the video
  10. Get feedback from my peers about the idea for my video
  11. Brainstorm different ideas for my video
This is a basic plan that works backwards from the final step, but it is still missing a lot of steps, but your plan should look something like this with at least ten steps. If you can't think of at least then things you would have to do then you haven't given your idea enough thought.