Tuesday, November 9, 2010

100 Records Proposal

•What record cover from ‘100 Records’ inspired your design?

•What materials will you use to create your record cover?

•What is the style you will be executing your design in?

•What techniques will you be employing in your record cover?

• Briefly explain the concept of your record cover. What image, story, or mood are you trying to use to ‘market’ the musician/band?

Monday, November 1, 2010

100 Records Ideas

Project Description: To participate in the next exhibition, you need to imagine and create a ficticious musician, band, or group and design and execute a design a 7” record cover for them. You will need to develop the musician/group’s biography, a record name, and a list of 4 – 5 songs before you start designing the record cover.

After you’ve created your band, you will do a series of sketches to brainstorm your album cover in your sketchbooks. You will develop one sketch into a final, handmade 7” record cover for the next exhibition. You will have to write a paragraph describing what materials, techniques, and styles you will be using and how it connects to the album cover that inspired you.

The Musician/Group: Biographical Details:

1. Musician(s) Names:

2. Date(s) and Place(s) of Birth:

3. Where they went to high school/college:

4. What genre of music does your musician/band peform?

5. List their major musical influences coming up as musicians:

6. How many records has the musician/band released? What are the titles?

7. What is their #1 or most popular single? Why was it so popular?

8. Write one line of the musician/bands lyrics (If they are an instrumental group describe the mood of one of their songs)

9. Briefly describe the ‘image’ of the musician/group that they use to market themselves to the public.

Biographical Summary: In the space below, write a two paragraph summary of the above information that would provide a new listener with a brief background of the musician/band and their music.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

100 Records Research

  1. What is your favorite kind of contemporary (new) music? Describe why you connect with the genre.

  2. When you listen to music, do you focus on the music or the lyrics?

  3. How would you describe the mood of the music you listen to? Describe one part of the music that supports your perspective.

  4. List 5 of your favorite contemporary musicians:

  5. What other genres of music, contemporary or historical, influence/inspire your favorite contemporary music? What are the roots (historical connections) of the music you listen to?

  6. 10 Minute Research – To inform your understanding of the roots of contemporary musical genres try and find some historical background about the music you listen to today. Find a relevant source and summarize important historical facts in a list or brief summary. Cite the source using for the format below:

    Source (website name):
    URL (website address): http://
    Date Page Last Updated:

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"100 Records"

Visit Cinders Gallery and scroll down and click on the "100 Records" link on the right side. Read the press release and explore the record covers on your own and answer the following questions. You may (A) write the answers on loose leaf and place them in your folder or (B) Copy and paste the questions into your gmail and email me your answers. If you don't finish you can save a DRAFT in gmail and finish the questions tomorrow.

1. Whose ‘big idea’ or art is ‘100 Records’? Where and when did the show take place?

2. How long did it take make the show and how many people did it involve?

3. What different roles did people ‘play’ in creating the show? Identify two different people/groups and what they contributed to the art show.

4. Look through the album cover images and choose one record to describe in detail. What artist made the record cover? What is the title? What text/words can you see or read? What ‘subjects’ can you identify? What elements of art can you identify in the album cover?

5. Briefly analyze how the artist composed the composition. How has the artist arranged the text, images, and elements in the space of the 7” square?

6. Briefly interpret what story or mood the record cover conveys to you.

7. Why did you choose this record cover? Why does it connect with you?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What are the Scholastic Awards

Today we are going to explore one of the main reasons we are learning how to use applications like Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop, the Scholastic Awards. It is a national competition for arts and literature with many different categories. We are going to develop class-based projects for submission as well as one independent project that you design, plan, and execute using Illustrator or Photoshop.

To begin this process, we will visit the Scholastic Awards website sponsored by the Alliance for Young Artists and Writers, and then you will do some research and brainstorming.

Research Questions:
  1. What are the eligibility requirement?
  2. How many steps are in the application process and what do you have to do? Summarize each step of the process:
  3. What categories of the awards do you think you might be eligible for in Digital Portfolio?
  4. What Special Scholarships are available at the National Level? Which one(s) might you be able to compete for?
  5. What category are you most interested in creating a project for in Digital Portfolio?
  6. Based on your answer to #4 leave a comment on this post with your first idea(s) for a project or projects you would be interested in designing this semester. Be sure to include your name at the bottom of your comment.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lab 2 - Elements of Art

Adobe Illustrator can be a frustrating program for beginners because it is a vector-based graphics programs. Instead of coloring things with paint buckets or pencils, you use Illustrator to draw outlines of shapes, which have a FILL COLOR and a STROKE (outline) COLOR. It is like cutting out pieces of construction paper and stacking them together to create a picture. Once you draw a shape, it is a discrete object until it is joined, grouped, or merged with another object.

Purpose – Today’s lab is a step by step drawing exercise to learn how to control the tools in Illustrator. If miss any of the steps or prefer to try to learn on your own, please read the instructions below. Following these steps will help you begin to control the tools and create the basic elements of art.

Procedure – Today’s lab will involve the following steps
1. Observing the demonstration at the front of the room.
2. Reading the instructions carefully and completing the lab.

Drawing Instructions
1. Vertical Line –
a. Click on the LINE tool.
b. Hold the SHIFT key and pull your mouse downward.
c. Click on the TYPE tool and type in the element name.
d. Click on the SELECTION tool to deselect the text box.

2. Horizontal Line
a. Use the LINE tool again holding SHIFT but this time drag the mouse to the right.
b. Use the TYPE tool to label the element.

3. Diagonal Line
a. Use the LINE tool again holding SHIFT but this time drag the mouse on a downward angle.
b. Label the element.

4. Cross Hatch
a. Make sure your STROKE color is BLACK.
b. Create two VERTICAL lines holding SHIFT.
c. Create two HORIZONTAL lines holding SHIFT.
d. Label the elements.

5. Curvilinear Line
a. Double-click the PENCIL tool.
b. Uncheck the KEEP SELECTED option and click OK.
c. Draw an S shape.
d. Label the element.

6. Organic Shape
a. Use the PENCIL tool to draw an organic shape.
b. Connect the ending point to the starting point to JOIN the line and close the shape.
c. Click on the FILL color and choose a color to fill the shape.

7. Geometric Shape
a. Click on the RECTANGLE tool.
b. Draw a rectangle.
c. Label the element.

8. Geometric Circle
a. Click and HOLD on the rectangle tool.
b. Change it to the ELLIPSE tool.
c. Use the ellipse tool and SHIFT to create a perfect circle.
d. Name the element.

9. Geometric Pentagon
a. Click and HOLD on the elipse tool.
b. Choose the POLYGON TOOL.
c. Draw out the shape and hold the mouse button down,
d. Press the UP and DOWN arrow keys to find the PENTAGON.
e. Label the shape.

10. Star
a. You can do this one on your own.

11. Tree
a. Click on the PEN tool.
b. Start by creating a point for the bottom left of the tree by clicking once.
c. Move the mouse to the next spot where the line changes direction and click.
d. Continue to click where the line changes direction until you reach the starting point.
e. Click on the SELECTION tool to deselect the tree.
f. Label the shape.

12. Cloud
a. Use the pencil tool to carefully draw the cloud shape.

13. Geometric Form
a. Use the RECTANGLE TOOL + the SHIFT key to draw a square.
b. Change the FILL color to BLUE by selecting the square and double clicking on the fill color.
c. Click on the PEN tool.
d. Use the PEN tool and SHIFT key to draw the side of the cube.
e. Click on the SELECTION tool to deselect the side.
f. Click on the side and press APPLE + J to join the shape if it isn’t closed.
g. Click the PEN tool to draw the top of the cube.
h. Make the side and top of the cube lighter tints of blue.
i. Label the form.

14. Organic Form.
a. Try this one on your own using the pencil tool.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Incomplete Project Essay Outline

To receive a final project grade if you have not completed your independent project, you must submit a 2 - 3 page essay on your topic by Tuesday January 19th. The essay should support your thesis statement based on your project topic. The essay should follow the outline below and incorporate any research you have done using the Google Research Document and the interview you conducted this semester.

I. Introduction (one paragraph)
  • State the thesis of your essay. What are you going to tell us about your topic.
  • Identify a minimum of 4 main points that you will discuss to support your thesis.
  • Transition into your first main point.
II. Body (four paragraphs)
  • Identify and discuss your main points and support them with facts based on your research including quotes and paraphrases that you can cite. Your body paragraphs should analyze any information your discovered about your thesis statement to support your conclusions.
III. Conclusion (one paragraph)
• You need to re-state your thesis and summarize your conclusions to support your thesis statement.

For those of you struggling with identifying your thesis statement and developing an essay around your topic, it may help to look at Milaida's first draft of her project essay. I will highlight areas where Miliada has succeeded and areas where she needs to add supporting facts and conclusions.


Moving, acting, jumping up and down, creating new moves, putting different steps in one sequence, and being artistic is my passion. Moving my body in different angles and forms is a way to communicate with others and show people a characteristic about you. To have this talent as your passion you must be open minded because this talent it’s just not in one form, but it comes in different shapes and form, so you need to be ready to open up to new styles of dancing.

(Main Point #1 - Milaida discusses her personal connections to dance to support her thesis that this her passion and that you must be open to new kinds of dancing)This been my passion for quite a long time maybe all my life. It's been so long I can’t even remember. I got accustomed to doing different types of dances including ballet, African, Merengue, stepping, Salsa, Hip hop, and even putting martial arts into dance. With a team or without I am still as good. This is not just an art form or a talent someone will just do for the fun of it, it’s also a form in which people from different cultures use to represent their identities. I am a dancer with a great mind full of art that I like to show my talent to the world and influence others with the same talent to show off they art work.

(Main Point #2 - Milaida uses two examples from her youth to show how she became a dancer) While still being young and shy going to the park with the family, me and my sister created a crowd and being in the center of it moving to Spanish music, dancing merengue and salsa, moving our feet and hands in the same ways and hearing the crowd applause made me happy to know I took a big step. It helped me overcome my shyness and still put on a show. In 3rd Grade hearing there was going to be a Christmas show and they needed dancers, I went in to look of the dancers and joined the group, gave my ideas and even coordinated some moves in to the choreography. Joining a group is scary especially if you are shy but still I was curious so I joined the step team in school, it wasn’t so bad after all it helped me build up on my team work and leadership and become less shy. (This transitions into her next main point)

(Main Point #3 - Milaida expands on her experience with a dance group to support her last statement and becoming less shy) Being in a dance group can make you build up on being more social, working with a team, and developing leadership and commitment. Going to JHS it was my main place to shine and learn about different types of dances. Ms. Went, the dance teacher in my JHS, was a great teacher who put pressure on us to get things done and always be open to new ideas. In JHS I did many shows dancing, including African dancing, hip hop, or even acting. I learned the main steps of ballet and martial arts and put some of them steps in to the African dance. I been doing hip hop dancing with friends or by myself. It’s a great dance it’s where you mix in different movements and steps, high jumps and low, street dancing and break dance, to sexy pops and shakes. I love to party because in parties you always learn new steps and dances. For example, Reggae is a huge dance every where now and many people do it and that’s one dance I learn by going to parties. (here Milaida could say how dancing helped her overcome shyness and be able to dance socially at parties with other people. Dancing is a social activity)

(Main Point #4 - Milaida moves into adding some research to support her thesis and meet the project essay requirements. She still needs to cite some references. ) Dance is not a way to stress about being perfect, it’s actually a way to take stress off you, make you have fun, and learn new steps while you get better at dancing. Dance is not just not an art form, it also represents people from different places all around the world and it’s also part of history. Salsa is a distillation of many Latin and Caribbean dances. Each played a large part in its evolution and cultural diffusion. Merengue originated from Dominican Republic and Haiti. Salsa and meringue are two dances that mostly Hispanic cultures use to express themselves. Ballet came from Italy and migrated to France. African dance came from Africa and people also use this form of dance to celebrate festivals, funerals and even in compactions. Reggae is a blend of dance hall and cumbia, which are Latin American genres all together to make one dance with many different movements that first originated in Jamaica. There all different types of dances all around the world used to represent different cultured and used by people that enjoy dancing.

(Main Point #5- Milaida supports her earlier statements about why dance is an important art form) Dancing is not difficult just dance all the dances as long as you can and the sit and think what new moves can you create, it’s all about enjoyment and being artistic, having fun, and accomplishing the goal of the reason you dance. Dance is a talent that is also used to exercise and also way to reduce stress. I dance every day but it’s not just exercise or work to me, it just happens without me knowing. I dance while walking, standing still or even sitting down. Dancing it’s my passion and I love it. Dancing makes me happy when I am sad, makes me excited when am bored, and makes my feet move to the beat of my heart and the music in my head. I use every floor I step on as my studio. I believe there is no right or wrong time or place to dance, I practice everywhere at all times cause as we all know practice makes perfect but I am not in search of perfection because in dance one movement mistake can become a new step. Dance is moving in a pattern anyway and keeping your steps clean and neat. This talent sounds easy I bet but it sure isn’t, some people dancing is their talent and others just like the idea of dancing so they learn it.

For a long time now dance been my passion and I believe that it is my talent. Dancing is one characteristic of me that shows people who I am and what I love the most. Dance is a creation full of art through history with many different meanings. Dance was a part of cultural diffusion that helps different dances and people spread around the world. Moving, bringing art to the floor and creating shows is my passion and its all in dance. I am a dancer and that’s what I love the most.

Overall Milaida's essay sets out to explain why dancing is her passion and why it's important to her and the world. What she needs to add to the essay is a little more research about the history of the different styles of dancing. She can easily accomplish this by looking up websites and information about the styles of dance on the Internet. She needs to cite where she got some of her information by including the author's name after the quote or where she paraphrased her information in parentheses.

Please check the following rubric for more information how this essay will be graded.