Tuesday, November 9, 2010

100 Records Proposal

•What record cover from ‘100 Records’ inspired your design?

•What materials will you use to create your record cover?

•What is the style you will be executing your design in?

•What techniques will you be employing in your record cover?

• Briefly explain the concept of your record cover. What image, story, or mood are you trying to use to ‘market’ the musician/band?

Monday, November 1, 2010

100 Records Ideas

Project Description: To participate in the next exhibition, you need to imagine and create a ficticious musician, band, or group and design and execute a design a 7” record cover for them. You will need to develop the musician/group’s biography, a record name, and a list of 4 – 5 songs before you start designing the record cover.

After you’ve created your band, you will do a series of sketches to brainstorm your album cover in your sketchbooks. You will develop one sketch into a final, handmade 7” record cover for the next exhibition. You will have to write a paragraph describing what materials, techniques, and styles you will be using and how it connects to the album cover that inspired you.

The Musician/Group: Biographical Details:

1. Musician(s) Names:

2. Date(s) and Place(s) of Birth:

3. Where they went to high school/college:

4. What genre of music does your musician/band peform?

5. List their major musical influences coming up as musicians:

6. How many records has the musician/band released? What are the titles?

7. What is their #1 or most popular single? Why was it so popular?

8. Write one line of the musician/bands lyrics (If they are an instrumental group describe the mood of one of their songs)

9. Briefly describe the ‘image’ of the musician/group that they use to market themselves to the public.

Biographical Summary: In the space below, write a two paragraph summary of the above information that would provide a new listener with a brief background of the musician/band and their music.