Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Indepent Project and Project Essay

Independent Project Update

The first drafts of your independent projects will be due December 21st before the holiday break. What will your independent project look like? That is entirely up to your plan, but I suggest you really think about what you can realistically accomplish over the next four weeks in and out of class. From this week on most of our class time will be used to finish our project essays and create a mock digital portfolio in Word with your final essays, labs, and projects from other classes.

If you are still unsure of what you are doing please use your project essay as way to focus on the content of your project. You may find that what you learn writing your essay will help you make your project. If you don’t think you can complete your original project idea by the 21st, scale it back and think about how you can accomplish something similar with a smaller focus.

Take five minutes right now and write me an email about whether or not you believe you can complete your original project idea of if you will need to make some adjustments.

Project Essays

The typed first drafts of your project essays are due to me via email this Friday. By today you should be starting your first rough draft of the essay. Even if you feel like you don’t have enough research start your rough draft by writing your thesis statement and what you feel like you know in support your thesis statement. You can always go back and find information to support or back up your ideas.

The rough draft of the essay does not have to include quotes or cite sources, but your final draft will have to include quotes or paraphrased information from a minimum of five different sources, primary or secondary. An example of a primary source could be asking another person a question about your topic such as parent, teacher, or friend. A secondary source might be a newspaper article or website about the topic. For anyone studying art, a primary source could be looking at an artwork and discussing it. Try and get your information from a variety of sources.

Your essay should follow a basic essay outline and if you are struggling to organize your thoughts please follow the above link and read over the essay guide.

The final drafts of your project essays will also be due Friday December 21st.

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